
Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our products/services, policies, and more in our FAQ section. Get quick solutions and insights to streamline your experience.

Who are we at Audacia Properties?

What do we do?

Why should I invest with Audacia Properties?

What projects have you executed?

How do I invest?

What title documents do you provide?

How do I make payments?

Where is your office?

Are there preferences to clients regarding Allocation and Unit Delivery?

How do I get in touch with my designated Relationship Officer and receive Monthly updates on my Unit?

Do new projects serve as a distraction to ongoing Projects?

Are the funds for current projects being diversified into newer projects?

What concessions do you have for delays experienced by the Subscribers?

Can I pause payment pending full resumption on site?

What specific strategies have you put in place to ensure you meet up with our delivery timeline?

With the economic challenges you are currently facing, what is the expectation of the quality of houses to be delivered?

What sets Audacia apart from other real estate companies?

What is the process of acquiring a property through Audacia?

How does AudaVest work, and what returns can I expect?

Can I visit ongoing project sites or view available properties in person?

What sustainability practices does Audacia implement in property development?